I find it interesting that atheists complain that creationists don't have a proper science background and shouldn't be comenting on science. Yet, they feel they are qualified to comment on theology even though they are unable to display any understanding of actual theology. The OP is a tirade about God, yet it displays no attempt to get answers from any source that actually has an understanding of theology.
It is nonsensical to use creationism as the yardstick for evolution - and vice versa. It is equal nonsense to use secular humanism as a yardstick for theology. For those actually looking for answers to the question of original sin, here is an excellent link.
Here is it's introduction:
Good question…Why didn't God stop the process before it started, if He knew of the massive amounts of suffering that would befall many of His creatures??
Draft June 3, 2000 // Last update: July 17/2000 (part one)
Index to the pieces in this response:
Part One: Statement of the Problem, Methodological observations/reservations, and Creating the Criteria for an acceptable "Go Ahead" decision. [this document]
Part Two : Criterion One
Part Three : Pushback about cases of extensive suffering
Part Four : Criterion Two and Three
Part Five : Criterion Four and Summary
Part Six: Additional Pushbacks
Part Seven : Reflection on what this means
In the first (related) part of this question [ gutripper.html ], we dealt with the issue of the character of God, and more specifically with how one 'builds' a theological understanding of His heart, when starting from the bible. In this piece, we move to one of the more emotionally-laden issues in the Christian worldview, and one that gets attention in the technical (i.e., philosophical) literature, but little in the popular works. [One work that includes a discussion of the topic is Immortality: the Other Side of Death, Habermas and Moreland, Thomas Nelson:1992.]
To try to re-state this issue as succinctly (and starkly) as possible, I need to 'unpack' it a little and lay out the propositions and assumptions which are often stated/implicit in it, or at least seem to be included in it. As far as I can tell, the objection goes something like this:
1. The world is characterized by vast amounts of intensive and extensive suffering and evil.
2. After enduring a life of hardship and pervasive suffering, many (if not most) humans will end up in hell, where they will be actively tortured forever and ever.
3. All of this was known ahead of time by God, before He had even created ANYTHING or ANYONE.
4. For some reason or motive , He "went ahead" with the plan anyway, but could have chosen to not implement it (or to start a different one altogether) or to interrupt it before it "went bad".